Object Pronouns

Pronouns - Lesson #4

Here is a list of the object pronouns in English.
  • me
  • you
  • us
  • him
  • her
  • it
  • them
Object pronouns can replace a noun when the noun is an object in the sentence (not the subject). Take a look at some examples.
  • Mary likes this hotel. = Mary likes it.
  • Jon ate the cookies. = Jon ate them.
  • Henry told Kate and I. = Henry told us.
In the previous lesson, we studied subject pronouns – I, You, We, He, She, It, They.

Take a look at the difference between subject pronouns and object pronouns.

Subject PronounsObject Pronouns
I hit Jon.Jon hit me.
You hurt Mary.Mary hurt you.
We saw Ben. Ben saw us.
He helped his mother.His mother helped him.
She hugged the child.The child hugged her.
It is broken.I broke it.
They said no.I said no to them.

Here a few things to remember about object pronouns.

1. "You" and "It" are subject and object pronouns. We know if it is a subject or object by where it is in a sentence.
  • It looks good. (Subject Pronoun)
  • Jon likes it. (Object Pronoun)

  • You broke it. (Subject Pronoun)
  • Jane likes you. (Object Pronoun)
2. "Him" refers to one man.

3. "Her" refers to one woman.

4. "Us" refers to "Another person + I".

5. "It" refers to one thing or animal.

6. "Them" refers to two or more people, things, or animals.

7. Never start a sentence with an object pronoun.
  • Me like it.
  • Us are good friends.
  • Them didn't come.
Here are a few more examples.
  • The results of the test are not that important to me.
  • We haven't decided if we want to hire her.
  • I will bring it up at the meeting.
  • It never occurred to us that you didn't like it.
It is important to know these pronouns well if you want to speak English. Pronouns are used a lot by English speakers. Make sure that you spend enough time practicing and studying English pronouns.