Sentences in the Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense - Lesson #2

We use present continuous to talk about something that has already started and has not finished. Basically, you use it to talk about what is happening now.

We form the present continuous by using a "be verb" (am/is/are) and a participle (verb + -ing).

Subject + be verb + verb(-ing)…
  • He is considering quitting his job.
  • It is working.
  • They are planning a trip.
  • The dog is sleeping.
  • I am teaching English.
  • You are studying English.
It is common to use the present continuous with certain time words or phrases. Here are some common words and phrases used with the present continuous.

nowright nowat the moment
currentlytodaythis week
this yearthis monththese days

Here are some examples.
  • I am studying English right now.
  • She is working in her office at the moment.
  • Mark is living with his brother these days.
  • They are working at the branch office this month.
  • I am eating dinner with my family, so I need to call you back later.
We also use present continuous to talk about the future. You can use the present continuous instead of "will". If the present continuous is used for the future, then it is almost always used with a time word or expression that refers to the future.
  • I am meeting my friend tonight.
  • She is going on a trip next week.
  • He is driving to his parent's house next weekend.
  • They are going to China next year.
  • We are leaving after we pack our bags.
  • They are watching a movie after they eat dinner.
It is usually easy to tell if the sentence is talking about right now or the future. You can usually know from the time words.
  • I am eating now.
  • I am eating with her later.
If there are no time words, then it is almost always about right now.

A) Where is she?
B) She is working (now).

Put "not" after the "be verb" to make a negative sentence. You can also use contractions.
  • I am not eating right now.
  • She isn't working at the moment.
  • They are not meeting in the meeting room.
  • I am not going to Russia next month.
  • She is not attending the party tonight.
  • They aren't practicing later.
If you use adjectives or noun, then follow this pattern.

Subject + be verb + being + adjective/noun
  • She is being mean.
  • He is being a good manager these days.
  • They are being rude.
  • You are being quiet.
Example Sentences
  • I am not eating breakfast now.
  • I am finishing my report. I will call you when I finish.
  • I am going to Europe next year.
  • I am not seeing a movie tonight with my friend.

  • We are walking to work.
  • We are living together.
  • We are traveling with my families this weekend.
  • We aren't working together on the next project.

  • Chris is looking for a new car at the moment.
  • He is making a cake in the kitchen.
  • He is not leaving our company at the end of the month.
  • Jon isn't trying to find a new job.

  • She isn't exercising in the gym now.
  • Mary is watching a movie with her kids.
  • She is going to the hair salon later today.
  • She isn't flying on her next trip, she is driving.

  • It is raining outside.
  • It is snowing right now.
  • It is not working.
  • The computer is not working well.

  • They are not being nice to each other.
  • They are acting crazy today.
  • Mark and Sharon are going out to dinner tonight.
  • The students are preparing for the festival now.
English Conversation 1

A) I am planning a trip to Europe.
B) That sounds amazing. Who will you go with?
A) I am still considering that.
B) How about me?
A) Do you really want to go?
B) Yes, I am being serious.
A) Okay. Let's go together. It will be so much fun.

English Conversation 2

A) How are you today?
B) I am really good. I am excited for this weekend.
A) Why are you excited?
B) Because I am going to the beach with friends from university.
A) How cool! What are you doing now?
B) I am going to the store now. I need to buy some things for my trip.
A) Well, have fun and be safe.

Improve your English and learn to speak fluently with this simple practice. Finish the sentences below and then practice making your own sentences. It is a great and simple way to learn English.

Tip: Say the sentences aloud. This will help you practice speaking English and improve your English fluency.

I am _______________ right now.
I am not _______________ at the moment.
I'm _______________ this weekend.
I am not _______________ this weekend.
My friend is _______________.
My friend is _______________ next month.
My coworkers are _______________ tomorrow.
The people around me are _______________ now.