Questions - How in the Future Tense

Future Tense - Lesson #7

We can also make questions in the future tense with the word "how". We use the word "how" in a few different ways.

Let's look at some specific ways we use "how".

1. We use "how" to ask for the method or way to do something. Put "will" after "how" to make a future tense question.

How + will + subject + verb…?

A) How will you go?
B) I will take the bus.

A) How will I know when it is time?
B) Mark will tell you.

2. We use "how" to ask about the quality or results of something. We can use two different questions for this.

How + will + subject + be?
How + will + subject + verb…?

A) How will the weather be?
B) It will be nice.

A) How will you do on the test?
B) I will do well. I studied a lot.

3. We can ask for the level or degree of something by using an adjective after the word "how".

How + adjective + will + subject + be…?

A) How expensive will it be?
B) It will be about $500.

A) How spicy will the soup be?
B) It won't be very spicy.

A) How cold will it be tomorrow?
B) It will be extremely cold.

A) How old will you be next year?
B) I will be 33 next year.

4. We use "how often" to ask about the frequency of an action or event. If we use "how often will", then we are asking about the frequency of a future event or action.

How often + will + subject + verb…?

A) How often will our club meet?
B) We will meet every Friday. Our first meeting is next Friday.

A) How often will you study English at this school?
B) I will study English here three days a week. Tomorrow is my first day.

5. We use "how many" and "how much" to ask about a number or quantity. "How many" is used with count nouns. "How much" is used with non-count nouns.

How many/much + noun(s) + will…?

We can put a verb, noun, adjective, or prepositional phrase after "will".

A) How many books will you buy?
B) I will buy a few books.

A) How much flour will we need?
B) We will need 3 cups of flour.

A) How many people will be there?
B) I think 50 people will be there.

A) How many students in this class will be doctors?
B) Everybody in this class will be a doctor. This is a class about medicine.

6. Sometimes, a noun is not needed after "how much". The object is naturally understood, or it is asking for any basic measurement or quantity. Look at a few examples.

How much + will + subject + verb…?

A) How much will you drink tonight?
B) Nothing. I won't drink at all.

A) How much will you order?
B) I'll order a lot.

A) How much will you donate?
B) I will donate a little bit.

A) How much will it cost?
B) It'll cost about $10.

7. If the noun after "how many" is the subject, then use this pattern.

How many + subject + will + verb…?

A) How many people will come to the party?
B) Ten people will come to the party.

A) How many students will go on the trip?
B) 15 students will go on the trip.

If the noun is not the subject, then use this pattern.

How many + noun + will + subject + verb…?

A) How many people will you call?
B) I will call five people.

A) How many chairs will she buy?
B) She will buy five chairs.

These are useful questions that you can use a lot, so it will help you a lot later if you study them well.

Example Questions
  • How will you get to work?
  • How will he finish in 2 days?
  • How will she pay for her new car?
  • How will they know?
  • How will you do on the test?
  • How will the weather be?
  • How expensive will it be?
  • How fun will it be?
  • How angry will she be?

  • How often will you visit our office?
  • How often will I need to refill it?
  • How often will she attend that yoga class?
  • How often will he check our work?
  • How often will we need to change the battery?
  • How often will the train come tomorrow?
  • How often will the children study art at this school?
  • How often will it be snowy in that country?
  • How often will there be traffic jams?

  • How many pizzas will you get?
  • How many new dresses will she buy?
  • How many times will we practice?
  • How many days will you be gone?
  • How many nights will we stay at that hotel?
  • How many people will come to the event?
  • How many people will he invite to the event?
  • How many students will be in the class?
  • How many students will you have in your class?

  • How much meat will you buy at the store?
  • How much free time will we have next week?
  • How much equipment will our company purchase?
  • How much money will you need?
  • How much food will we order?
  • How much harm will it cause?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How much will the hotel be?
English Conversation 1

A) How many people will you invite to the party?
B) There will be many people there, but I will just invite two people.
A) Who will you invite?
B) I'll invite Megan and Sharon. They will meet us at the party.
A) How will they know where to go?
B) I sent them directions.

English Conversation 2

A) How much time will you need to finish this project?
B) My team and I will need at least two weeks. It is a complicated project.
A) Two weeks is fine, but we will have a meeting next week. At the meeting, we will discuss your progress.
B) That is a good idea.

Improve your English grammar and learn to speak fluently with this simple practice. Finish the questions below and then practice making your own questions. It is the best way to learn English fast!

Tip: Say the questions aloud. This will help you practice speaking English and improve your pronunciation and fluency.

How will you __________?
How will they __________?
How often will he __________?
How often will you __________?
How many _________ will __________?
How many people will __________?
How many books will __________?