Going to - Going to + Present Continuous

Future Tense - Lesson #13

We can talk about the future by using "going + infinitive".
  • I am going to meet her tomorrow.
  • I am going to visit my family next week.
  • She is going to quit her job soon.
We can also use a combination of "going + infinitive" and the present continuous.

We use "going to be + present participle". A present participle is formed the same way as a gerund – verb-ing.

We use these sentences to talk about actions or events that will continue for a certain period of time in the future. Many times, these sentences have the same meaning as "going to + verb".
  • He is going to be traveling next month.
    (=He is going to travel next month.)

  • They are going to be working together.
    (=They are going to work together.)
We usually use this kind of sentence when we want to emphasize that an action is continuing for a period of time without stopping.

We can only make these sentences using action verbs. We cannot use adjectives, nouns, or prepositional phrases.

Subject + be verb + going to be + present participle…
  • I am going to be traveling for 3 months.
  • She is going to be working here for a while.
  • They are going to be visiting family all next month.
Just add "not" after the "be verb" to make a negative sentence.
  • I am not going to be attending the seminar.
  • She is not going to be coming with us today.
We can make yes/no questions like this.

Be Verb + subject + going to be + present participle…?
  • Are you going to be sleeping in a hotel while your house is being remodeled?
  • Is he going to be working out of the office this week?
We can also use question words.

Question Word + be verb + subject + going to be + present participle…?
  • Who are you going to be traveling with this summer?
  • Where are you going to be buying your new sofa?
  • What are you going to be doing tomorrow afternoon?
This kind of sentence is not as common as "going to + verb" and "will", but it is still important to know if you want to be a fluent speaker. Plus, if you know grammar like this, it will make listening to native English speakers much easier because you will not be confused or surprised when you hear a sentence or question like this.

Example Questions and Sentences
  • I am going to be buying a new car sometime in the next few months.
  • She's going to be visiting her sick mother for the next couple of days.
  • He is not going to be going with us on this business trip.
  • They aren't going to be discussing the new pricing plan at the next meeting.
  • Dan is going to be playing his guitar at the party.

  • Are you going to be taking the English class with us?
  • Are we going to be eating soon?
  • Is he going to be getting married soon?
  • Is Paul going to be investing in this project?
  • Is the company going to be changing its corporate structure?

  • What are you going to be doing later today?
  • Where are we going to be meeting?
  • Why is he going to be visiting the hospital today?
  • When is he going to be coming?
  • How long are you going to be staying at this hotel?
English Conversation 1

A) When are you going to be leaving today?
B) I think I am going to leave in an hour. I have to pick up my daughter.
A) Can you check my report quickly before you go?
B) Do you need it today?
A) I am going to be submitting it tomorrow morning.
B) Okay. I'll check it quickly, but you will probably want another person to take a look at it as well.

English Conversation 2

A) Are you going to be attending the office party?
B) I don't want to go, but I think I am going to go.
A) Why don't you want to go?
B) My boss is going to be attending, and I don't want to see him.
A) Do you hate him?
B) No. He is nice, but I can't relax if he is there since he is my boss.

Improve your English grammar and learn to speak fluently with this simple practice. Finish the questions and sentences below and then practice making your own. It is the best way to learn English fast!

Tip: Say the questions and sentences aloud. This will help you practice speaking English and improve your pronunciation and fluency.

What are you going to be ______________?
Where is he going to be ______________?
When are they going to be ______________?
Why are they going to be ______________?
How are you going to be ______________?
How long is he going to be ______________?
Who is going to be ______________?
Who are you going to be ______________?
I am going to be ______________ next week.
She is going to be ______________ next year.
He is going to be ______________ soon.
We are all going to be ______________ next year.
Next month, he is going to be ______________.