Going to - Overview

Future Tense - Lesson #9

We use "going + infinitive" to talk about the future. It is almost always the same as using "will".
  • I am going to visit my family.
    (=I will visit my family.)
  • It is going to rain.
    (=It will rain.)
  • They are going to eat.
    (=They will eat.)
It is possible to use the verb "to go" after "going to".
  • I am going to go to the game tomorrow.
  • She is going to go later.
"Going + infinitive" is used when something in the future has already been decided, arranged, or is expected to happen because of the situation now.

Here is the sentence pattern.

Subject + be verb + going + infinitive…
  • She is going to buy a new car next week.
  • They are going to move to Los Angeles next month.
  • He is going to go to college next year.
  • I am going to watch a movie later.
  • We are going to eat out for dinner tonight.
We can make negative sentences by adding the word "not" after the "be verb".
  • I am not going to go to the concert.
  • She is not going to travel this summer.
  • They are not going to participate in the marathon.
We can use contractions in multiple ways.
  • I'm not going to go.
  • He's not going to come.
  • He isn't going to play.
  • They're not going to do it.
  • They aren't going to watch.
We can make yes/no questions by putting the "be verb" first.

Be Verb + subject + going + infinitive…?
  • Are you going to leave soon?
  • Is he going to come to the party?
  • Is Mark going to be here?
  • Are the managers going to attend the meeting?
  • Are the children going to be hungry when they come back from school?
We can also use question words.

Question Word + be verb + subject + going + infinitive…?
  • What are you going to do this weekend?
  • Where are we going to eat lunch?
  • What time is the movie going to start?
  • Why are you going to quit your job?
  • How are you going to go to the beach?
This is a very common and important English grammar point to know. It is used a lot by native English speakers, so you should spend a good amount of time studying and practicing.

This free English lesson is a quick overview. The next lessons will have a lot more details and examples. Go to the next lessons to get a lot more English practice with "going to".