Questions in the Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense - Lesson #3

We learned in the last two lessons that we use the future perfect tense in two ways.

1. We use it to say that something will happen before another action in the future. Or that something will happen before a specific time in the future.
  • She will have finished everything by next week.
  • I am going to have found all of the missing pieces by this time tomorrow.
2. We can also use the future perfect to show that something will continue until another time or action in the future.
  • She will have worked here for 30 years when she retires next year.
  • I am going to have been awake for 36 hours by the time I finish this report.
We learned how to make sentences in the last lesson. In this lesson, we will focus on questions.

Just like the other perfect tenses, the most common question starts with "How long". We can use "will" or "going to" with the future perfect tense.

How long + will + subject + have + past participle…?
How long + be verb + subject + going to have + past participle…?
  • How long will you have worked here by next year?
  • How long are you going to have been married on your anniversary this year?
It is possible to put the time at the beginning of the sentence or question.
  • By next year, how long will you have lived in Korea?
We can replace "How long" with any other question word. Look at a few examples.
  • What work will you have completed by tomorrow?
  • What will she have done by the time we arrive?
  • How bad will it have gotten by the time we get there?
We can make yes/no questions this way.

Will + subject + have + past participle…?
Be verb + subject + going to have + past participle…?
  • Will you have finished decorating the house by 8 o'clock?
  • Are you going have read the book by the start of class tomorrow?
The best way to learn an advanced English grammar point like this is to look at many examples.

Example Questions and Answers

A) How many people will have come by the time the show starts?
B) We still don't know, but we think there will be more than 10,000 people.

A) Will we have finished everything by tomorrow?
B) I think we can do it.

A) How long will you have worked here when you retire?
B) I'll have worked here for about 25 years when I retire next month.

A) How long will you have worked on this report by the time you finish?
B) I will finish in 2 hours. So, I will have worked on it for over 50 hours by the time I finish.

A) Are you going to have fixed his car before he comes back?
B) I'm not sure.

Learn to speak better English and improve your English grammar by simply doing this basic practice exercise. First, complete the questions with your own answers and then practice making your own questions.

Tip: Say the questions aloud. This will help you practice speaking English and improve your pronunciation and fluency.

How long will you have _______________ by _______________?
How long are you going to have _______________ by _______________?
How long will he have _______________?
How long will she have _______________ when _______________?
Will you have _______________ by _______________?
Is he going to have _______________ by _______________?
Are they going to have _______________ by _______________?
Will Sharon have _______________ before _______________?