Questions in the Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense - Lesson #4

We use the future continuous to talk about actions or events that will happen or continue for a certain time in the future.

Remember that the future continuous is a combination of the simple future tense (I will play) and the present continuous tense (I am playing).
  • I will be working from 3 to 5 tomorrow.
  • Will you be traveling this summer?
  • What will you be doing tonight?
In this lesson, we will take an in-depth look at asking questions using the future continuous using question words. These words are who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Follow this pattern.

Question Word + will + subject + be + present participle…?
  • What will you be doing today at 5 pm?
  • Where will you be going on your vacation?
  • When will you be leaving?
  • Who will you be entertaining at your home tonight?
  • Why will they be working late tonight?
  • How will you be going?
We can also make questions using "What + noun" or "Which + noun".
  • What time will you be getting off work today?
  • What food will you be making for the party?
  • Which countries will he be visiting on his business trip?
  • Which coat will you be wearing today?
We can also make questions with "how many" and "how much" and "how often".
  • How many people will you be inviting to your wedding?
  • How many shirts will you be bringing on our trip?
  • How much money will you be spending per day on your trip?
  • How often will you be exercising when you start your new diet next week?
  • How often will you be traveling on business after you start your new job?
Remember that sometimes "what" or "who" can be the subject of the sentence. Also, the noun in "how many + noun" can also be the subject of a question. In these cases, the question pattern will look like this.

Who + will be + present participle…?
What + will be + present participle…?
How many + noun + will be + present participle…?
  • Who will be coming?
  • What will be happening here tomorrow afternoon?
  • How many people will be coming?
Many times, future continuous sentences and questions have the same meaning as other future tense sentences and questions.
  • I will be working from 8 to 4 tomorrow.
  • I will work from 8 to 4 tomorrow.
  • I am going to work from 8 to 4 tomorrow.
  • I am working from 8 to 4 tomorrow.
All four sentences above are the same.

English learners sometimes practice sentences more than questions. Make sure you practice making questions a lot. If you cannot ask questions, then it is hard to have a fun and natural conversation in English.

Example Questions
  • What will you be doing tomorrow afternoon?
  • What will he be working on after this project is finished?
  • What will they be talking about at the secret meeting?
  • What will we be eating for dinner tonight?

  • Where will we be going on our family trip this year?
  • Where will he be working today since his office is being remodeled?
  • Where will they be opening their store?
  • Where will we be meeting tomorrow?

  • When will it be starting?
  • When will they be leaving?
  • When will he be going?
  • When will the show be beginning?

  • Why will you be going alone?
  • Why will she not be coming?
  • Why will they be canceling their trip?
  • Why will he be coming late?

  • Who will you be inviting to your wedding?
  • Who will be coming to your wedding?
  • Who will he be firing tomorrow?
  • Who will be working tonight?

  • How will you be going to the party?
  • How often will you be meeting with the clients while you work on this project?
  • How many books will you be buying at the store?
  • How much food will we be making for the party?
English Conversation 1

A) Who will be joining us for this meeting?
B) Besides us, I think Mary, Sue, and Jim will be attending.
A) So, what will we be discussing?
B) We only need to discuss the new project.
A) Okay, so we can probably finish in an hour.
B) Maybe, but Jim usually talks a lot. So, it may take longer than that.

English Conversation 2

A) Do you want to play basketball this weekend?
B) I can't. I've got plans.
A) What will you be doing?
B) I'll be going on a hike with my brother.
A) I didn't know you liked hiking.
B) I don't, but I like my brother, so I'm going.

If you complete this simple practice, then you will learn to speak English fluently and improve your English grammar skills. Finish the questions below and then practice making your own questions.

Tip: Say the questions aloud. This will help you practice speaking English and improve your pronunciation and fluency.

What will you be _______________?
Where will you be _______________?
When will you be _______________?
Who will you be _______________?
Who will be _______________?
If you have time, what will you be _______________ this weekend?
Why will he be _______________?
How many _______________ will you be _______________?
How many _______________ will be _______________?