Every / Each - Distributives

Determiners - Lesson #6

Distributives are considered determiners and pronouns. They refer to a group of people or things and to members of a group. They refer to something(s) more specifically within a group.

Each / Every

These two words pretty much have the same meaning.
  • I watched each game. = I watched every game.
We use "each" when we are talking about each person or thing as separate people or things. We are not thinking about the people or things as a group. We are thinking about them as separate things.

Use "each + singular noun".
  • Each person received a prize.
  • Each dog got a bone.
  • She wears a ring on each finger.
  • The police will check each room.
We use "each of" with plural nouns or object pronouns.
  • Each of the people who came to the party received a gift bag.
  • Each of the animals in the zoo are fed three times a day.
  • Each of us has one sister.
  • Each of them live alone.
Use "every" to talk about all members or things in a group. They all have something in common.
  • Every student did their homework.
  • Every dish was too salty.
  • Every day is hard.
  • I want to visit every museum in New York City.
  • He ate every piece of food in the refrigerator.
Master this English grammar point by finishing these sentences and then make your own sentences. If you want to learn English grammar well, you have to study grammar points multiple times. Study this free English grammar lesson well and come back to review at some point to help you remember this important English grammar point.

Each person in my family _______________.
Each person that I work with is _______________.
Every person in my family _______________.
I _______________ every day.
I try to _______________ each day.
I want to _______________ every _______________.