Because / Since / As - Subordinating Conjunctions

Conjunctions - Lesson #5

"Because" and "since" are subordinating conjunctions. They usually join two sentences together.

We usually use "because" and "since" to tell why or give a reason.

First, let's look at the word "because".

"Because" is the most common way in English to give a reason.

Action/Result + because + reason

Both the action and the reason should be sentences.
  • I went to the store because I needed milk.
  • The teacher was angry because the boy didn't do his homework.
  • I have never traveled to Europe because it is too expensive for me.
We can switch the order of the sentence.

Because + reason, + action/result

Put a comma after the reason when writing. Again, both the reason and action should be sentences.
  • Because it was cold, I didn't go to the game.
  • Because she is nice, everybody likes her.
Note: Many grammar books tell you to not start a sentence with "because". However, you do not need to worry about it. Many native English speakers will start a sentence with "because", but it is more common to use "because" in the middle of the sentence.

We can also use a noun or pronoun after "because of". We can do this when the reason can be understood just by hearing the noun.
  • We didn't go because of the rain.
    (=We didn't go because it was raining.)

  • Because of her, I don't want to go.
Now, let's look at the word "since". We can use "since" in two ways.
  1. to give a reason
  2. to tell when something started
First, let's look at using "since" to tell why or give a reason (just like "because"). We usually use "since" when we want to focus more on the result.

Action/Result + since + reason
  • I went to the store since I needed milk.
  • We will not go since we were not invited.
  • Let's stay home today since it is so cold.
We can switch the order of the sentence.

Since + reason, + action/result

Use a comma after the reason when writing.
  • Since we don't have time to cook, let's order some delivery.
  • Since you are married now, you have to act more responsible.
  • Since her mother lives in New York, she goes there a lot.
We can also use "since" to tell when an action started. We can use a sentence or a time word after "since". We use this with the present perfect tense.
  • I have liked basketball since I was young.
  • Mark has been working hard since he joined our company.
  • She has been sick since last week.
  • We have been married since 2014.
Bonus: We can also use the word "as" to give a reason. This is more formal and not very common.
  • As it is cold, we should stay inside.
  • She didn't go as she was sick.
Improve your English grammar and learn to speak fluently with this simple practice. Finish the sentences below and then practice making your own sentences. It is the best way to learn English fast!

I will not go to the party because _______________.
The movie was great because _______________.
I don't like her because _______________.
My favorite place to visit is _______________ because _______________.
I want to buy a _______________ because _______________.
My family loves to _______________ because _______________.
Since it is raining, I will _______________.
I'm not going to buy _______________ since it is too expensive.
I will not _______________ since _______________.
I will _______________ since _______________.
He doesn't like me since _______________.
Since I have some extra time, I will _______________.
I didn't go to _______________ since _______________.
I hated _______________ since _______________.